News Articles

Identification of a potential plasma biomarker for Venous thromboembolism


In a recent publication in Nature communications proteomics profiling was used in an attempt to identify novel biomarkers that are associated with acute Venous thromboembolism (VTE) and linked to disease pathogenesis and risk. A case-control study derived from the VEBIOUS cohort identified the gene CFHR5 as a potentially promising VTE-associated plasma biomarker...Read more

Facets of individual-specific health signatures


Facets of individual-specific health signatures determined from longitudinal plasma proteome profilingProteins that circulate in human blood can provide important information about health or disease states of an individual. To gain insight into personal baselines and how protein levels vary over time, researchers within the HPA have studied the plasma proteomes of clinically healthy individuals during one year...Read more

Immunohistochemistry in lung cancer diagnostics and research

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Previous news articles featured the history and technology behind two powerful tools for visualizing proteins in tissues: immunohistochemistry and microscopy. These tools are applied to investigate and answer a wide range of questions, both in healthcare and research. This article focuses on two applications related to lung cancer: diagnostics in clinical pathology and discovery of genes associated with prognosis...Read more

Cancer biomarkers identified


In two recent publications the group of Fredrik Pontén in Uppsala has identified two very strong, independent biomarkers for the prognostic stratification of breast cancer and renal cell carcinoma.

Renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of cancer affecting the kidney and there is an unmet clinical need for better prognostic and diagnostic tools for it. Diagnosis and subtyping of renal cell carcinoma are achieved through the morphological analysis of tumor sections. The application of immunohistochemistry can reveal important additional clues during the diagnostic work-up...Read more

Wellness profiling for early detection of disease


During the Precision Medicine World Conference in Silicon Valley on January 23-25, Mathias Uhlen, leader of the Human Protein Atlas will give a talk about the recently initiated SCAPIS – SciLifeLab Wellness Profiling project.

The Precision Medicine World Conference is a conference series that attracts recognized leaders, top global researchers and medical professionals, and innovators across healthcare and biotechnology sectors to showcase practical content that helps close the knowledge gap between different sectors, thereby catalyzing cross-functional fertilization and collaboration...Read more