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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Subcelli Canceri Bloodi Cell linei Struct & Inti
ADNPActivity dependent neuroprotector homeobox
ADNP2ADNP homeobox 2
AEBP2AE binding protein 2
ARAndrogen receptor
ATRXATRX chromatin remodeler
BCL11ABAF chromatin remodeling complex subunit BCL11A
BCL11BBAF chromatin remodeling complex subunit BCL11B
BCL6BCL6 transcription repressor
BCL6BBCL6B transcription repressor
BNC1Basonuclin 1
BNC2Basonuclin 2
CASZ1Castor zinc finger 1
CNOT4CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 4
CTCFCCCTC-binding factor
CTCFLCCCTC-binding factor like
CXXC1CXXC finger protein 1
DMRT1Doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 1
DMRT2Doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 2
DMRT3Doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 3
DMRTA1DMRT like family A1
DMRTA2DMRT like family A2
DMRTB1DMRT like family B with proline rich C-terminal 1
DMRTC1DMRT like family C1
DMRTC1BDMRT like family C1B
DMRTC2DMRT like family C2
DNMT1DNA methyltransferase 1
DNMT3ADNA methyltransferase 3 alpha
DNMT3BDNA methyltransferase 3 beta
DNMT3LDNA methyltransferase 3 like
E4F1E4F transcription factor 1
EGR1Early growth response 1
EGR2Early growth response 2
EGR3Early growth response 3
EGR4Early growth response 4
ESR1Estrogen receptor 1
ESR2Estrogen receptor 2
ESRRAEstrogen related receptor alpha
ESRRBEstrogen related receptor beta
ESRRGEstrogen related receptor gamma
FEZF1FEZ family zinc finger 1
FEZF2FEZ family zinc finger 2
FIZ1FLT3 interacting zinc finger 1
GATA1GATA binding protein 1
GATA2GATA binding protein 2
GATA3GATA binding protein 3
GATA4GATA binding protein 4
GATA5GATA binding protein 5
GATA6GATA binding protein 6
GATAD1GATA zinc finger domain containing 1
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