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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Subcelli Canceri Bloodi Cell linei Struct & Inti
CHAC1ChaC glutathione specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase 1
KRT33BKeratin 33B
KRT34Keratin 34
KRT86Keratin 86
KRTAP1-1Keratin associated protein 1-1
KRTAP1-3Keratin associated protein 1-3
KRTAP1-4Keratin associated protein 1-4
KRTAP1-5Keratin associated protein 1-5
KRTAP19-1Keratin associated protein 19-1
KRTAP19-3Keratin associated protein 19-3
KRTAP19-5Keratin associated protein 19-5
KRTAP19-6Keratin associated protein 19-6
KRTAP19-7Keratin associated protein 19-7
KRTAP2-1Keratin associated protein 2-1
KRTAP2-2Keratin associated protein 2-2
KRTAP2-3Keratin associated protein 2-3
KRTAP2-4Keratin associated protein 2-4
KRTAP20-1Keratin associated protein 20-1
KRTAP20-2Keratin associated protein 20-2
KRTAP3-1Keratin associated protein 3-1
KRTAP3-2Keratin associated protein 3-2
KRTAP3-3Keratin associated protein 3-3
KRTAP4-1Keratin associated protein 4-1
KRTAP4-11Keratin associated protein 4-11
KRTAP4-12Keratin associated protein 4-12
KRTAP4-16Keratin associated protein 4-16
KRTAP4-2Keratin associated protein 4-2
KRTAP4-3Keratin associated protein 4-3
KRTAP4-4Keratin associated protein 4-4
KRTAP4-5Keratin associated protein 4-5
KRTAP4-6Keratin associated protein 4-6
KRTAP4-7Keratin associated protein 4-7
KRTAP4-8Keratin associated protein 4-8
KRTAP4-9Keratin associated protein 4-9
KRTAP5-6Keratin associated protein 5-6
KRTAP6-1Keratin associated protein 6-1
KRTAP7-1Keratin associated protein 7-1
KRTAP8-1Keratin associated protein 8-1
KRTAP9-1Keratin associated protein 9-1
KRTAP9-2Keratin associated protein 9-2
KRTAP9-3Keratin associated protein 9-3
KRTAP9-4Keratin associated protein 9-4
KRTAP9-6Keratin associated protein 9-6
KRTAP9-7Keratin associated protein 9-7
KRTAP9-8Keratin associated protein 9-8
KRTAP9-9Keratin associated protein 9-9
PLA2G2EPhospholipase A2 group IIE
SPINK7Serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 7
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