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Genei Gene descriptioni x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni IH abundance (Normal Tissue)i x Subcellular locationi x
GPR101G protein-coupled receptor 101
IGHV4-34Immunoglobulin heavy variable 4-34
IGHV6-1Immunoglobulin heavy variable 6-1
IGHA2Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (A2m marker)
PLA2G2DPhospholipase A2 group IID
IGHV3OR15-7Immunoglobulin heavy variable 3/OR15-7 (pseudogene)
IGHV5-51Immunoglobulin heavy variable 5-51
IGHV1-18Immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-18
IGHG3Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (G3m marker)
IGHV4-39Immunoglobulin heavy variable 4-39
MEF2BMyocyte enhancer factor 2B
Cell Junctions
IGHG1Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (G1m marker)
IGHJ4Immunoglobulin heavy joining 4
IGHV2-70Immunoglobulin heavy variable 2-70
IGKV6D-21Immunoglobulin kappa variable 6D-21 (non-functional)
IGLV10-54Immunoglobulin lambda variable 10-54
IGLV3-27Immunoglobulin lambda variable 3-27
IGHV3-74Immunoglobulin heavy variable 3-74
IGKV2-40Immunoglobulin kappa variable 2-40
IGKV3D-15Immunoglobulin kappa variable 3D-15
Plasma membrane
IGHJ6Immunoglobulin heavy joining 6
IGHV1-58Immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-58
IGHV3-49Immunoglobulin heavy variable 3-49
IGHV4-28Immunoglobulin heavy variable 4-28
IGKV1D-13Immunoglobulin kappa variable 1D-13
IGKV1D-8Immunoglobulin kappa variable 1D-8
IGLV3-16Immunoglobulin lambda variable 3-16
CD27CD27 molecule
IGHJ1Immunoglobulin heavy joining 1
IGHV1-46Immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-46
IGHV1-69Immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-69
IGHV3-15Immunoglobulin heavy variable 3-15
IGHV3-35Immunoglobulin heavy variable 3-35 (non-functional)
IGHV3OR16-12Immunoglobulin heavy variable 3/OR16-12 (non-functional)
IGKV1D-16Immunoglobulin kappa variable 1D-16
IGKV1D-17Immunoglobulin kappa variable 1D-17
IGKV2D-40Immunoglobulin kappa variable 2D-40
IGKV3-11Immunoglobulin kappa variable 3-11
Plasma membrane
IGLV1-44Immunoglobulin lambda variable 1-44
IGLV4-3Immunoglobulin lambda variable 4-3
IGLV4-69Immunoglobulin lambda variable 4-69
POU2AF1POU class 2 homeobox associating factor 1
BFSP2Beaded filament structural protein 2
Plasma membrane
CCR10C-C motif chemokine receptor 10
Endoplasmic reticulum
CD38CD38 molecule
Plasma membrane
DERL3Derlin 3
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