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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Subcelli Canceri Bloodi Cell linei Struct & Inti
AARDAlanine and arginine rich domain containing protein
ABCC12ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 12
ACTR5Actin related protein 5
ADAM2ADAM metallopeptidase domain 2
ADAM30ADAM metallopeptidase domain 30
ADAM32ADAM metallopeptidase domain 32
AHRRAryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor
ALKAL2ALK and LTK ligand 2
AMDHD2Amidohydrolase domain containing 2
AMN1Antagonist of mitotic exit network 1 homolog
ANKLE2Ankyrin repeat and LEM domain containing 2
ANTKMTAdenine nucleotide translocase lysine methyltransferase
APH1BAph-1 homolog B, gamma-secretase subunit
AQP11Aquaporin 11
ARL14EPADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 14 effector protein
ARMC1Armadillo repeat containing 1
ART5ADP-ribosyltransferase 5
ARV1ARV1 homolog, fatty acid homeostasis modulator
ASH2LASH2 like, histone lysine methyltransferase complex subunit
ATP23ATP23 metallopeptidase and ATP synthase assembly factor homolog
AURKAAurora kinase A
AURKCAurora kinase C
B3GALT4Beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 4
BBIP1BBSome interacting protein 1
BBS12Bardet-Biedl syndrome 12
BLZF1Basic leucine zipper nuclear factor 1
BORABORA aurora kinase A activator
BRAPBRCA1 associated protein
BRDTBromodomain testis associated
BUD13BUD13 homolog
C11orf91Chromosome 11 open reading frame 91
C15orf61Chromosome 15 open reading frame 61
C16orf95Chromosome 16 open reading frame 95
C17orf80Chromosome 17 open reading frame 80
C18orf21Chromosome 18 open reading frame 21
C19orf67Chromosome 19 open reading frame 67
C1orf56Chromosome 1 open reading frame 56
C1orf94Chromosome 1 open reading frame 94
C22orf23Chromosome 22 open reading frame 23
C2CD6C2 calcium dependent domain containing 6
C8orf88Chromosome 8 open reading frame 88
CAPN11Calpain 11
CARTPTCART prepropeptide
CATSPERECatsper channel auxiliary subunit epsilon
CAVIN3Caveolae associated protein 3
CBARPCACN subunit beta associated regulatory protein
CCDC110Coiled-coil domain containing 110
CCDC38Coiled-coil domain containing 38
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