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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
CLCN5Chloride voltage-gated channel 5
FIZ1FLT3 interacting zinc finger 1
FOXRED2FAD dependent oxidoreductase domain containing 2
GRSF1G-rich RNA sequence binding factor 1
GZMBGranzyme B
HMGN3High mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 3
MBTPS2Membrane bound transcription factor peptidase, site 2
METTL8Methyltransferase 8, methylcytidine
NCR2Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 2
NOTCH3Notch receptor 3
RBM15BRNA binding motif protein 15B
SCML2Scm polycomb group protein like 2
SPATA7Spermatogenesis associated 7
TEFTEF transcription factor, PAR bZIP family member
TMEM129Transmembrane protein 129, E3 ubiquitin ligase
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