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AKAP3A-kinase anchoring protein 3
C12orf4Chromosome 12 open reading frame 4
DMRTC2DMRT like family C2
H2BC3H2B clustered histone 3
H3-7H3.7 histone (putative)
HLA-GMajor histocompatibility complex, class I, G
IFNA8Interferon alpha 8
KLRB1Killer cell lectin like receptor B1
LDOC1LDOC1 regulator of NFKB signaling
RNF212Ring finger protein 212
SHCBP1LSHC binding and spindle associated 1 like
ZNF354BZinc finger protein 354B
ZNF354CZinc finger protein 354C
ZNF568Zinc finger protein 568
ZNF677Zinc finger protein 677
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