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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni Prognostic p-valuei x
ANKRD10Ankyrin repeat domain 10
Renal cancer: 1.25e-6
Urothelial cancer: 6.41e-6
HERC4HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 4
Renal cancer: 3.86e-5
HMG20AHigh mobility group 20A
MKLN1Muskelin 1
MON2MON2 homolog, regulator of endosome-to-Golgi trafficking
Head and neck cancer: 2.03e-4
NBPF11NBPF member 11
Urothelial cancer: 3.20e-5
Lung cancer: 6.87e-4
PHF21APHD finger protein 21A
Renal cancer: 2.59e-8
Liver cancer: 1.66e-6
Colorectal cancer: 6.15e-4
PPP3R1Protein phosphatase 3 regulatory subunit B, alpha
Endometrial cancer: 9.08e-6
Renal cancer: 1.70e-5
Liver cancer: 5.37e-4
PTPRKProtein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type K
Renal cancer: 9.33e-5
Pancreatic cancer: 1.99e-4
RGL1Ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator like 1
Liver cancer: 1.49e-5
Lung cancer: 4.32e-4
SGMS1Sphingomyelin synthase 1
Renal cancer: 1.95e-7
SMIM35Small integral membrane protein 35
SPRED1Sprouty related EVH1 domain containing 1
Renal cancer: 7.37e-5
Stomach cancer: 8.29e-5
Endometrial cancer: 7.08e-4
TET3Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3
Renal cancer: 3.58e-5
ZSWIM6Zinc finger SWIM-type containing 6
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