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ABCB11ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 11
ADGRD2Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor D2
BBS5Bardet-Biedl syndrome 5
CASTOR2Cytosolic arginine sensor for mTORC1 subunit 2
CD164L2CD164 molecule like 2
CELSR1Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1
CFAP299Cilia and flagella associated protein 299
FAM124BFamily with sequence similarity 124 member B
FMO3Flavin containing dimethylaniline monoxygenase 3
H3C15H3 clustered histone 15
IGKV6D-21Immunoglobulin kappa variable 6D-21 (non-functional)
PAX1Paired box 1
TAS2R14Taste 2 receptor member 14
WFDC10BWAP four-disulfide core domain 10B
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