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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni Prognostic p-valuei x
APODApolipoprotein D
Thyroid cancer: 4.12e-4
Breast cancer: 5.51e-4
Stomach cancer: 6.02e-4
CD109CD109 molecule
Stomach cancer: 7.96e-5
Renal cancer: 2.65e-4
Urothelial cancer: 4.68e-4
EGFREpidermal growth factor receptor
Urothelial cancer: 2.04e-5
ENSG00000284895Novel protein
FABP4Fatty acid binding protein 4
GPNMBGlycoprotein nmb
GRAMD2BGRAM domain containing 2B
HADHBHydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase trifunctional multienzyme complex subunit beta
Renal cancer: 1.37e-9
HSD11B1Hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 1
Renal cancer: 1.97e-10
MUC4Mucin 4, cell surface associated
NPC2NPC intracellular cholesterol transporter 2
Colorectal cancer: 4.83e-5
Stomach cancer: 2.66e-4
Liver cancer: 3.13e-4
Thyroid cancer: 6.55e-4
OSR2Odd-skipped related transciption factor 2
Head and neck cancer: 2.44e-5
PKD1L2Polycystin 1 like 2 (gene/pseudogene)
REEP3Receptor accessory protein 3
Pancreatic cancer: 1.32e-4
Liver cancer: 3.19e-4
Head and neck cancer: 7.83e-4
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