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ACDACD shelterin complex subunit and telomerase recruitment factor
CTCFCCCTC-binding factor
DHX38DEAH-box helicase 38
EDC4Enhancer of mRNA decapping 4
EMC8ER membrane protein complex subunit 8
EXOSC6Exosome component 6
GINS2GINS complex subunit 2
KLHDC4Kelch domain containing 4
MTHFSDMethenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase domain containing
ORC6Origin recognition complex subunit 6
RFWD3Ring finger and WD repeat domain 3
SLC7A6OSSolute carrier family 7 member 6 opposite strand
SPATA33Spermatogenesis associated 33
TERF2Telomeric repeat binding factor 2
ZC3H18Zinc finger CCCH-type containing 18
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