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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
FKBP1BFKBP prolyl isomerase 1B
GALMGalactose mutarotase
GBP5Guanylate binding protein 5
GINS2GINS complex subunit 2
GJB6Gap junction protein beta 6
GNG8G protein subunit gamma 8
GPR19G protein-coupled receptor 19
H1-1H1.1 linker histone, cluster member
H3C8H3 clustered histone 8
HAPLN3Hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 3
HJURPHolliday junction recognition protein
HMMRHyaluronan mediated motility receptor
HS3ST3A1Heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 3A1
HSPA2Heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 2
IL32Interleukin 32
KALRNKalirin RhoGEF kinase
KIFC1Kinesin family member C1
LNP1Leukemia NUP98 fusion partner 1
LOXL1Lysyl oxidase like 1
LRIG1Leucine rich repeats and immunoglobulin like domains 1
LRRC32Leucine rich repeat containing 32
MAGED4MAGE family member D4
MB21D2Mab-21 domain containing 2
METTL27Methyltransferase like 27
MFGE8Milk fat globule EGF and factor V/VIII domain containing
MLF1Myeloid leukemia factor 1
MND1Meiotic nuclear divisions 1
MPRIPMyosin phosphatase Rho interacting protein
MUC1Mucin 1, cell surface associated
NCAPHNon-SMC condensin I complex subunit H
PI16Peptidase inhibitor 16
PLCL1Phospholipase C like 1 (inactive)
PNPLA7Patatin like phospholipase domain containing 7
PSAT1Phosphoserine aminotransferase 1
PTTG1PTTG1 regulator of sister chromatid separation, securin
RAD54LRAD54 like
RASGRP1RAS guanyl releasing protein 1
RCAN3RCAN family member 3
RGCCRegulator of cell cycle
RNF214Ring finger protein 214
SELPSelectin P
SEPTIN10Septin 10
SLC14A1Solute carrier family 14 member 1 (Kidd blood group)
SLC16A1Solute carrier family 16 member 1
SLC16A10Solute carrier family 16 member 10
SLCO4A1Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 4A1
SMIM35Small integral membrane protein 35
STAMSignal transducing adaptor molecule
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