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RASSF10Ras association domain family member 10
RIBC1RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 1
RPP25Ribonuclease P and MRP subunit p25
SCNM1Sodium channel modifier 1
SDCBPSyndecan binding protein
SETD5SET domain containing 5
SH2D4ASH2 domain containing 4A
SMARCD1SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 1
SUDS3SDS3 homolog, SIN3A corepressor complex component
TBC1D7TBC1 domain family member 7
TEAD4TEA domain transcription factor 4
THAP7THAP domain containing 7
TLE5TLE family member 5, transcriptional modulator
TNNT1Troponin T1, slow skeletal type
TSGA10IPTestis specific 10 interacting protein
TSNAXTranslin associated factor X
TTC23Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 23
UBTFL1Upstream binding transcription factor like 1
UTP14AUTP14A small subunit processome component
ZBTB16Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16
ZBTB24Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 24
ZFP1ZFP1 zinc finger protein
ZGPATZinc finger CCCH-type and G-patch domain containing
ZNF124Zinc finger protein 124
ZNF250Zinc finger protein 250
ZNF253Zinc finger protein 253
ZNF408Zinc finger protein 408
ZNF564Zinc finger protein 564
ZNF587Zinc finger protein 587
ZNF629Zinc finger protein 629
ZNF648Zinc finger protein 648
ZNF774Zinc finger protein 774
ZNF835Zinc finger protein 835
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