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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
ABHD12BAbhydrolase domain containing 12B
AMER2APC membrane recruitment protein 2
COL9A2Collagen type IX alpha 2 chain
DIPK1CDivergent protein kinase domain 1C
GPR37G protein-coupled receptor 37
HEPACAMHepatic and glial cell adhesion molecule
HEPN1Hepatocellular carcinoma, down-regulated 1
LHX2LIM homeobox 2
PAQR6Progestin and adipoQ receptor family member 6
RRHRetinal pigment epithelium-derived rhodopsin homolog
SLC39A12Solute carrier family 39 member 12
SLITRK2SLIT and NTRK like family member 2
SOX8SRY-box transcription factor 8
WIF1WNT inhibitory factor 1
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