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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
GFI1BGrowth factor independent 1B transcriptional repressor
MMP9Matrix metallopeptidase 9
ETV3LETS variant transcription factor 3 like
CLEC5AC-type lectin domain containing 5A
SLFN14Schlafen family member 14
SPI1Spi-1 proto-oncogene
C10orf105Chromosome 10 open reading frame 105
CCL17C-C motif chemokine ligand 17
CD207CD207 molecule
OSCAROsteoclast associated Ig-like receptor
CCL19C-C motif chemokine ligand 19
IGSF6Immunoglobulin superfamily member 6
MSR1Macrophage scavenger receptor 1
RASGRP4RAS guanyl releasing protein 4
AIF1Allograft inflammatory factor 1
CCR2C-C motif chemokine receptor 2
CD209CD209 molecule
CD274CD274 molecule
CD33CD33 molecule
CD80CD80 molecule
CDK2Cyclin dependent kinase 2
CLEC4AC-type lectin domain family 4 member A
CRLF2Cytokine receptor like factor 2
CXCL3C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 3
DOK2Docking protein 2
ETV3ETS variant transcription factor 3
F13A1Coagulation factor XIII A chain
FCGR2AFc gamma receptor IIa
FLT3Fms related receptor tyrosine kinase 3
G0S2G0/G1 switch 2
GPR157G protein-coupled receptor 157
GPR84G protein-coupled receptor 84
HCSTHematopoietic cell signal transducer
HLA-DQB2Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ beta 2
IFI30IFI30 lysosomal thiol reductase
IFNL1Interferon lambda 1
IL10Interleukin 10
LAT2Linker for activation of T cells family member 2
MINDY4BMINDY family member 4B
MMP12Matrix metallopeptidase 12
MRC1Mannose receptor C-type 1
MS4A6AMembrane spanning 4-domains A6A
OLR1Oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor 1
PTGER3Prostaglandin E receptor 3
PTGS2Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2
RNASE6Ribonuclease A family member k6
RUFY4RUN and FYVE domain containing 4
SERPINB9Serpin family B member 9
SIGLEC9Sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 9
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